
This afternoon’s service was a lovely way to round of a hugely successful year at Bloxham School

It has been quite a year at Bloxham School, with more student achievements over the course of this academic year than could be done justice in just one news story.

This morning, end of term prizes were awarded to students and Houses based on their performances over the course of the term. This assembly was particularly poignant, ending with speeches given by a number of those staff members who are leaving Bloxham this summer, namely Dan Jordan, Nick Irvine and Les Harrop.

This afternoon’s Prize Giving Service saw the entire Bloxham School staff and student body come together with prize winners’ and Upper Sixth leavers’ parents at the local St Mary’s Church, Bloxham. The ceremony marked the end of the school year and was a chance to celebrate everyone’s hard work and many academic, creative and sporting achievements from throughout the year. At this traditional service, Headmaster Paul Sanderson took the chance to thank all staff and students for their hard work throughout the year and encouraged his students not to be limited by expectations, but to set their own targets in life. On behalf of the whole school, Mr Sanderson paid tribute to those staff who were leaving at the end of term, thanking them for their dedication and commitment to Bloxham students, past and present. He also passed on advice and best wishes to our Upper Sixth leavers, who are ready to move onto the next, exciting stage of their lives in September.