The academic component of the Bloxham education is tailored at each stage to help every student develop a love of learning whilst reaching their full potential.

Students have access to a wide range of support to help with their studies, from weekly meetings with their tutors, through to study skills classes, and receiving subject options and career guidance.

We are a fully co-educational school and offer a learning environment in which both girls and boys thrive.

Academic Tracking and Assessment

Bloxham School operates a system of half termly reporting. At each assessment period students are given:

  • An Attitude to Learning grade.
  • A Currently Working Towards grade, i.e. the level (GCSE or A Level) they might be expected to achieve if they carry on working as they have been doing. This is a flightpath grade.
  • Comments which will include advice on exactly what the student needs to do to improve.

Tutors meet with students individually to review each assessment period before writing a summary comment and forwarding it to parents. All assessments are made available in a student’s school profile, accessible online.


All students are set prep to support and extend work done in lessons. A prep timetable is issued to students at the start of the academic year. Lower School prep should take students about one hour to complete each evening; in the Third to Fifth Form prep should take two hours. In the Sixth Form, prep works slightly differently as the students are expected to be more responsible and organised. They will be set about four hours work per subject per week but will normally be given a full week to complete it.

A smiling student with a passion for learning

Academic Enrichment

All Bloxham pupils are stretched to ensure that they are able to reach their full academic potential. Our teachers use a range of ways to stretch pupils, whether through additional challenges in the classroom, prep or our academic enrichment clubs and societies, such as departmental societies and additional GCSE subjects including Mandarin and Astronomy.

Academic Enrichment Activities
Academic Overview Learning Support

Learning Support

Bloxham School aims to ensure that all students reach their full potential and that their academic achievements are not compromised by any challenges they may experience in their learning. We have a dedicated team to help students with a broad range of learning support needs. These range from dyslexia and dyspraxia to visual and hearing impairments, and to supporting those whose first language is not English.

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