To contact a member of our Senior Leadership Team, please click on the envelope next to the staff member's name. Please scroll down for a full list of all Bloxham School staff and Governors
Mr Paul SandersonHeadmasterBiology
Mr Matt BucklandDeputy Head (Curriculum)Geography
Mrs Louise LaddsDeputy Head (Pastoral)
Mr Matt BullDeputy Head (External Communications); Seymour Housemaster
Mrs Jacqui SkevingtonAssistant Head (Student Welfare & Pastoral Care); School DSL
Mrs Jane CochranAssistant Head (Staff and Wellbeing)Modern Foreign Languages
Mr David RammBursar
Full staff list
Lisa Roberts
Teacher of SEND
Learning Support
Mrs Emma Robinson
Crake House Matron
Crake Matrons
Ms Lorraine Roper
Head of Admissions
Marketing, Admissions and Development
Jenny Rose
Head of MFL
Modern Foreign Languages
Dr Martin Ruck
Head of Data Tracking and Examinations
Science Seymour
Ms Sue Russell
Director of Teaching and Learning; Geography and Business Teacher