To contact a member of our Senior Leadership Team, please click on the envelope next to the staff member's name. Please scroll down for a full list of all Bloxham School staff and Governors
Mr Paul SandersonHeadmasterBiology
Mr Matt BucklandDeputy Head (Curriculum)Geography
Mrs Louise LaddsDeputy Head (Pastoral)
Mr Matt BullDeputy Head (External Communications); Seymour Housemaster
Mrs Jacqui SkevingtonAssistant Head (Student Welfare & Pastoral Care); School DSL
Mrs Jane CochranAssistant Head (Staff and Wellbeing)Modern Foreign Languages
Mr David RammBursar
Full staff list
Miss Catherine Lightfoot
Examinations Administrator
Support Staff
Ms Alex Linnington (Fisher)
Procurement Manager
Mrs Cheryl Linton
Teacher of Physics; Housemistress of Merton
Merton Science
Mrs Natalie Long
Exham Learning Support
Mrs Natalie Long
Learning Support
Ms Lisa Manning
Assistant Housemistress Wilberforce; Head of Netball
PE and Sport Wilberforce
Mr R Markwell
Council of Governors
Mr Robert Matthew
Director of Art
Art Crake
Mrs Mandi Matthews
Seymour House Matron
Matrons Seymour
Mrs Rebecca Mawer
HR Manager
Mr Lee May
Teacher of Business & Economics; Assistant Housemaster of Merton
Business Studies / Economics Merton
Mrs Eloise McCall
LAMDA Tutor (Maternity Cover)
Mr Andy McGinn
Systems Engineer
IT Support
Bishop J Meyrick
Council of Governors
Mr Michael Moir
Head of Fourth & Fifth Form
Mathematics Merton
Mrs Victoria Moir
Head of Latin
Mrs Julie Moon
Wilson House Matron
Matrons Wilson
Mrs Julie Morris
Headmaster's Executive Assistant
Mrs Liz Morris
Raymond House Matron
Matrons Raymond
Mr Sam Moulder
Head of Mathematics
Berni Newcombe
Equestrian Administrator
PE and Sport
Val Nisbett
Domestic Site Manager
Estates Support Staff
Mr Tim Noad
Finance Controller
Finance Support Staff
Emily O’Leary
Wilberforce House Matron
Matrons Wilberforce
Mrs Beverley Olah
Finance Administrator
Finance Support Staff
Mrs Gabrielle Paxton
Swimming Teacher
PE and Sport
Mr Alex Peck
Head of Design and Technology
Design & Technology
Claire Pepper
Cover Supervisor
Support Staff
Dr Karla Perera
Head of Gifted and Able and Scholars; Head of Biology