Star Striker in the Making
Lower Sixth Crake pupil Pablo is a talented aspiring footballer who is currently the lead goal scorer for his team, Banbury Irish. He’s also one of our international students, so we sat down to chat to him about all things football, boarding, and Bloxham.
how long have you been playing football and what do you love about it?
I have been playing football for a long time, since I was five years old. I love the sport because I’m good at playing it! It makes me forget all my concerns and bad feelings when I play. It’s very restful to lose myself in the game.
how does it feel to be the leading goal scorer for your team?
It feels amazing! I always try to help the team and if that’s through scoring goals, that’s great.
who are your football role models and what team do you support?
I have supported Barcelona since I was a child. My favourite player is Messi. In my opinion, he’s the best player in history. As a person, he’s very respectful of other players and the supporters and I like that about him. It makes him special and different to some other players.
what are your plans for after you leave school?
I would like to go to university in Madrid, to IE, where they teach in English. I’d then like to live back in my own city, which is Alicante. I would like to study business or marketing, something like that.
what do you like about boarding at bloxham?
It makes me more independent. I’m not with my family, just by myself with my friends at school. I like that it’s different from the usual kind of school experience. I had never boarded before Bloxham. We don’t have boarding schools in Spain, so I had always lived at home with my family.
could you tell me a bit about your experience as an international pupil?
At the beginning of the year, it was really difficult for me because it’s another country and another language, but now it’s great! My English is really improving. I love studying business as it’s what I would like to do in the future. I think being in another country is good. I learn a lot of things which will help me in my future. I had visited London before I came to school here but had never lived abroad before, so it has been a learning curve but I have really enjoyed it.
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