
Old Bloxhamist, George Howson (Wn 2008-12) has launched Stimbl, the innovative visual reminder; an idea long in the making.

“I remember what inspired the creation of Stimbl very distinctly; it came whilst sat in the Great Hall. A company that mentored revision and memory techniques were visiting the school, and one key point interested me. The lecturer spoke of how powerful our minds are at attaching thoughts to imagery and icons. He tasked us to look at the wall mounted Bose speakers in the corner of the hall, and instructed us to mentally attach a thought to the speaker for an upcoming exam. So I did. Exam day came. I sat at my desk, looked up at the speaker and remembered that it was February 1962 when the US launched the embargo against Cuba…”

George went on to study Industrial and Product Design at university, and explored ways in which he could pair the concept with a use, which led to the launch of Stimbl, a reminder app that uses symbols as opposed to words, to prompt your memory.

For further information on Stimbl, head to their Facebook Page, or of course, download the app and see for yourself!